The weather picked up a bit on Saturday afternoon but it was still quite dull. I decided to pop out and take a few pictures before it got dark. I had promised myself to come back to the bridge I crossed a while back and make some image s of the stream, so this seemed the ideal opportunity. There is a bit of a walk from the road to get here so I didn't stop to take many photos on the way.
The overcast sky allowed me to slow the shutter speed down on a lot of the shots so that the moving water would take on more of a silky texture. I didn't get too far down the valley before I reached a waterfall where the valley sides were very steep and dangerous. As it was getting dark I headed back up the valley and took a few extra shots. This first shot is of the bridge and was taken hand held but most of the later shots were taken on a tripod because of the long shutter speeds.
This second photo it a little way down the stream at the bottom of a small stretch of rapids. The water hits the pool and creates some swirling foam in the water. There are quite a few other pictures from the day in the Streams album on my gallery site.
This is a blog where I show images of things I see as I wander about, mainly in the Holme Valley at the edge of the Pennines in West Yorkshire. I'm fairly new to photography even though I'm not that young and I'm very enthusiastic about improving my skills. I like to process my photos to make them look as good as I am able. I love to share my images and some day I would like to start selling them as prints and framed and share with more people.
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