Saturday 2 February 2013

Welcome to the Home Valley Riverside Way

I found this photo from my Kodak Playsport camera from back in September 2011.  I usually have the camera on me and must have been walking past this plaque and just made a quick snap.  The plaque is located on a wall close the the little bridge over the River Holme on Magdale at Honley.  I'd probably dropped my car off at the garage for a service and was just setting off to walk home.

Plaque on Magdale
Plaque on Magdale
The Riverside Way is quite a nice little walk from Honley to Thongsbridge which isn't always on the riverside, and is part way on the road, but is quite pleasant in places.  After Thongsbridge it sort of continues to New Mill and makes about a 3 mile walk from the garage where I have my car serviced to home.  I quite like the plaque, it has lots of things on it that you might see on the walk including that elusive heron from my previous post and the beautiful kingfishers that flit up and down the river near Magdale.

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