Tuesday 16 March 2010

Another Week and More Snow

As I've been unable to drive anywhere because of the snow I decided to go for a walk from my house.  First stop was the village church in New Mill.  It's quite a nice church which I have photographed several times before but not in the snow before.  I quite like the composition from this position in the graveyard so there is the back of the gravestone in the foreground.  There were just a few patches of blue in the sky but as you can see by the clock it is nearly 3pm and will be getting dark in the next hour or so.

The view from the other side of the church is quite nice too.  The reflection of the sun going down in the first window is quite interesting.   There are a lot more big old gravestones at this side of the church which are a bit crowded into the foreground.  Both of the church pictures were processed tone maps from HDR images and on this second one the contrast on the stonework is quite nice.  I'm trying to keep my tone mapped images a bit more lifelike at the moment.  I was given a book about processing HDR images for Christmas (Practical HDR by David Nightingale) so I'm trying to make use of it.  I've also been looking at Trey Ratcliff's website because he is a master of HDR photography and tone map processing.  I'd like to get his new book too but I haven't finished the David Nightingale book yet.

As I walked around the sun started to set and although it wasn't a perfect sunset there was quite a bit of colour in the sky for a while.  Both of the next two images have been lightened quite significantly as it was nearly 4pm and really quite dark.  Again I've processed tone mapped images but this time with a bit more surrealism than the church images to bring out the colours in the sky.

If you enlarge this portrait image by clicking it you might be able to make out the church tower in the middle distance towards the left.

The following morning I visited Ingbirchworth reservoir again and took quite a few shots.  When I have come to review them they weren't that interesting to be honest (just more snow).  However, I thought I'd just tag this one image onto this post.  The reservoir was almost completely frozen over with a fresh layer of snow on top of the ice.  In the centre was a small hole in the ice where the ducks were congregating which made me feel quite sorry for them having to put up with this winter weather.

And there's still more bad weather to come so things aren't looking any better for them (or us).  Next time we get a bit of rain and fog but the snow is still staying around.

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